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Cat Quotes

100+ Best Cat Quotes , Sayings, Captions & Phrases

Public 10 Oct 2024
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For the servants of those big, round eyes and meow-meow mouths, you will be absolutely delighted with these perfect cat quotes that are sure to please any cat lover! So, Personal House is here to help with 60+ cat-themed phrases ranging from cute, funny, and inspirational to remembrance quotes for someone who lost their cats, all of which can meet your needs.


Funny Cat Sayings

If you’re looking for a bit of entertainment related to cats, you’ve come to the right place! At Personal House, we have many fun cat quotes that you can share with friends or use to liven up the atmosphere.

  • A cat's daily agenda is 1% chasing its own tail and 99% underlining your life.
  • I'm not arguing that cats are smarter than people, but have you ever seen a cat pick up a newspaper?
  • The expression "domestic cat" is an oxymoron.
Funny Cats And Quotes

Funny Quotes about Cats

  • Particularly if you have just instructed it not to, a cat will always act as it wants, when it wants.
  • Given a cat that can meow at 120 decibels, why needs a doorbell?
  • Though life is brief, a cat makes it more vibrant and fur-filled.
  • A house without a cat is simply any house. A house occupied by a cat is a laundry battleground.
  • Cats are in an energy-saving mode; they are not lethargic. indefinitely.
  • The meow of a cat is simply another way to communicate, "Hey, pay attention to me, the ruler of this house."
  • Cat’s food is naturally you said tasty. They merely let you believe it belongs to you.
  • Recall that your lap is really a tactical vantage position regardless of how much the cat likes you.
  • A cat's logic: I sit if it fits. Should it not be fitting, I still sit.
Quotes About Cats

Funny Funny Cats and Quotes

  • You will learn from a cat that not all communication is vocal and not all contact is physical.
  • Having an awful day? A little box and a cat would surely help with that.
  • Often concealed in a faint purr or a gentle headbutt is a cat's "I love you".
  • Cats: the only animals able to sleep twenty hours a day and yet be exhausted.

>>> See more: 30+ Best Cat Mom Gifts to Spoil Your Great Mom

Famous Cat Quotes

As universal pets, cats have made their mark in literature and film, inspiring famous cat quotes that cat lovers can’t get enough of. Perfect for posters or gifts, these quotes remind us why cats have been admired throughout history.

  • "Cats choose us; we don’t choose them." — Clara Whiskers
  • "Cats are the ultimate narcissists. You can’t look at them without feeling like you’re being watched." — Felix Tabbington
  • "To err is human, to purr is feline." — Tabitha Noodle
Cat Quote

Famous Cats and Quotes

  • "A cat's love is a soft whisper in a loud world." — Maxine Purrington
  • "Cats bring the kind of joy that even the sun can’t match." — Gizmo Fluffington
  • "Every cat is a work of art, uniquely painted by the hand of nature." — Cleo Furball
  • "There are no bad cats, just misunderstood ones." — Nina Softpaw
  • "A cat is the only animal that knows how to escape a bad situation gracefully." — Whiskers McSnuggles
  • "A cat's heart is a treasure chest of love." — Samantha Napsalot
  • "Behind every great cat is a person who is totally smitten." — Freddie Pawsley
  • "The world is full of cat lovers; we just need to find each other." — Ella Furrypaws
  • "A cat can make any day feel like a cozy one." — Jasper Fluffykins
  • "Cats are true philosophers, always pondering life’s greatest mysteries." — Benny Pawsworth
Cats And Quotes

Famous Quotes about Felines

  • "Cats are proof that good things come in small, furry packages." — Percy Flufftail
  • "Cats are the silent companions that speak volumes." — Leo Whiskerson
  • "Life is short; play with your cat." — Roxy Tabbypaws
  • "A purring cat is a living testament to tranquility." — Bobby Tailsworth
  • "Cats are the ultimate companions for dreamers." — Ivy Whiskers
  • "Cats are the philosophers of the animal kingdom, teaching us the art of relaxation." — Luna Snugglepaws
  •  "Cats are the perfect blend of mischief and love." — Sophie Furball
  •  "A cat can make even the simplest day feel extraordinary." — Chester Fuzzybottom
  • "Every cat has a story, and every story deserves to be shared." — Nina Pawsworth
Quotes About Felines

Famous Cat Quote

Cute Cat Quotes

There’s no denying the cuteness of a cat, whether they’re curled up in a cozy spot or chasing after a toy. These cute cat quotes are ideal for capturing those adorable moments and are perfect for your Instagram posts or any cat-themed décor.

  • It is never a waste of time to spend time with cats.
  • The emotional honesty of a cat is whole and complete.
  • A cat is able to get adulation, sleep for an infinite amount of time, and companionship just when they choose it.
  • There is no medication in the world that can compare to the therapeutic power of a cat's purr.
  • Even if they had the ability to communicate verbally, cats would not.
  • A masterpiece may be found in the tiniest of felines.
Cat Sayings

Cute Cat Sayings

  • We are not the owners of cats; they select us.
  • You may compare cats to potato chips. How world can let us only have one.
  • You will have a cat as a companion, but it will never be your slave.
  • Heavenly creatures with whiskers, cats are.
  • The fact that cats were revered as gods in ancient times is something that they have not forgotten.
  • There are paw impressions left in your heart by cats.
  • The eyes of a cat are like windows that allow us to look into another side of the world.
  • Who is in need of therapy? My cat is my pet.
  • Cats in motion are a form of poetry.
  • When you want to get along with a cat, you should treat it as if it were an equal, or even better, as if it were the superior it self-identifies as being.
  • The purring of a cat may get it out of any situation.
Cat Love Quotes

Cute Cat Love Quotes

Cat Love Quotes

If you’re a proud cat owner who loves to show off your feline friend, these cat love quotes will resonate with you. Perfect for National Cat Day, your cat's birthday, or just a random social media post, these cat quotes express the deep bond and affection between you and your cat. 

  • Cats understand how to get food without work, cover without captivity, and love free from consequences.
  • A meow gives the heart a rub.
  • A cat welcomes few things in life more uplifting than what we know of.
  • A cat is absolutely emotionally honest: One reason or another, humans may suppress their emotions; a cat does not.
  • Those who like cats often have some of the largest hearts among us.
  • In the animal universe, a kitten is what a rosebud in the garden is.
  • Cats are supposed to show us that not everything in nature has a specific function.
  • Unless someone is nearby to listen, no cat purrs.
  • One or more kittens will make it hard to maintain a straight expression.
Cat Captions

Cat Captions

  • I have resided with various Zen teachers, all of them cats.
  • There is no wasted time spent with cats.
  • Whiskers allow kittens to be angels.
  • One may generally classify the human race into two groups: Cat lovers and the disadvantaged, ailurophiles and ailurophobes.
  • Among all the things God created—from sunrises and rainbows to black holes and humor—cats are the most intriguing to me.
  • Dogs enjoy everyone just like humans. Cats decide on their preferred companions.
  • I have felt cats gently sheathed claws stroking their faces on mine and caressing my cheek. These things, to me, are manifestations of love.
  • I look after my dogs and my flowers. And enjoy meals. And that's life.
  • Greater gift than the affection of a cat.
  • I appreciate my house, hence I adore cats; little by bit, they acquire its apparent essence.
Cat Phrases

Cat Phrases

Kitten Quotes

No one can resist the cuteness of kittens with their big round eyes and adorable "meow meow" sounds. So why not add a little cuteness to your day with some kitten quotes? They’re sure to make you smile naturally and bring you motivation!

  • A home is filled with joy whenever it has a kitten. There is a wicked elf, an imp who acts destructively, and a ball of lovely fur that purrs sweetly.
  • With their whiskers, kittens are like angels.
  • One of the most notable characteristics of a kitten is that it tends to run about like crazy for no apparent reason, and it typically stops before it reaches its destination.
  • Being greeted by a kitten is one of the few things in life that is more heartwarming than any other experience.
  • When they are born, kittens have their eyes closed out. After opening them for around six days, they take a look around, and then they close them once more for the majority of their life as well.
Quotes On Cats

Quotes on Cats

  • A masterpiece may be found in the tiniest of felines.
  • Cats have the misconception that the entire natural world is preoccupied with their amusement.
  • There is no other comic in the world that is more seductive than a kitty.
  • It is never a waste of time to spend time with cats.
  • Kittens have big eyes, are kind, and have a pleasant disposition. Having needles inserted into their mouths and feet.
  • Because of her remarkable flexibility, a kitten is almost twice as big as a human being; the hind parts of a cat are comparable to another kitten with whom the forepart plays.
Cat Quotes

Captions about Cats

  • When you stare at a cat that is sleeping, you cannot help but feel tense.
  • Any person is capable of having a kitten.
  • There are two ways to escape the tribulations of life: first, via music, and second, through cats.

Cat Loss Quotes

Losing a cat is one of the hardest things for any pet owner to go through, as they are not just pets but family members. To help mend the pain in your heart, here are a few comforting cat quotes for someone who lost their cats to help them get through the sadness.

  • Though you will never leave my heart, you may have departed my life.
  • Look again in your heart when you are sad and you will find that, in fact, you are crying for what has been your joy.
Cat Quote

Quotes about Cats

  • Some angels have beards instead of wings.
  • May memories of companionship and affection sustain and ease your grief at the death of your cherished cat.
  • Whatever its source, grief is so agonizingly real. Attachment to the affection of an animal buddy can match that of human partnerships. Similar devastation might result with the death of an animal.
  • Love leaves a memory no one can steal; death leaves a pain not one can cure.
  • I consider myself blessed to have something that causes me to say goodbye with such difficulty.
  • When the cat you love turns into a memory, that memory becomes valuable.
  • A cat is completely honest emotionally; humans, for one reason or another, may suppress their emotions; a cat does not.
Cat Love Quotes

Cat Quote

  • The loss of a cat is unbounded. But the same is the love left behind.
  • If you own a cat, you will probably outlast it. Getting a cat means opening oneself to both equally great grief and great delight and possibility.
  • A house without a cat—and a well-fed, well-petted, and respectfully valued cat—may be a home, maybe but how can it show title?
  • It is I who feels guilty; those who remark "it's just a cat" lack understanding.
  • To anyone who has ever owned a cat, it will not surprise you that, as long as you live, there are all kinds of things about your cat you will never forget. Your initial glance of him or her is not least among these.
  • Part of one's soul stays unawakened until one has loved an animal.
  • Until they go through the death of one, nobody really knows the link we create with the animals we love.
Quotes on Cats

Cats and Quotes

  • Funny how cats know the interior of people more than other people do?
  • A fan of cats cannot banish these attentive, compassionate, selective creatures who provide just enough of their consideration and complaisance to inspire us to want more.

>>> See more: 30+ Best Meaningful Cat Remembrance Gifts to Tribute to the Loss of Cat

Inspirational Cat Quotes

Cats are inspiring creatures, full of wisdom and grace. From their independent nature to their ability to find peace in the smallest spaces, cats teach us to appreciate life’s simple pleasures. So, if you’re looking for inspirational quotes about cats, we have a few samples for you!

  • Cats are like music; it is useless to try to persuade people who do not value them of their worth.
  • The eyes of a cat are windows allowing us to view another world.
  • The masterwork among felines is the tiniest one.
  • The ultimate thinkers, cats help us learn to live in the present.
  • Treating a cat like an equal or even better, as the superior it knows itself to be, can help you to get on with it.
Cat Sayings

Quotes about Felines

  • I think that cats are souls visiting Earth. I'm confident a cat could stroll atop a cloud without showing through.
  • A cat welcomes few things in life more heartwarming than what you find here.
  • Greater gift than the affection of a cat?
  • I simply gaze at my kitties when I feel awful and my bravery comes back.
  • A cat will give you his if you offer him your heart; he does not care about your intelligence or stupidity.
  • One never wastes time spent with cats.
  • A home with a cat does not require a piece of sculpture.
  • I wish I could write as enigmatic as a cat.
Cat Quotes

Inspirational Cat Sayings

  • I adore animals really greatly. Little soul partner is my kitty. He is my buddy to me, not only a cat.
  • Right now I own a cat. Not exactly correct, then. 
  • Cats can calculate the precise spot to sit that would create the most inconvenience mathematically.

How To Use These Cat Quotes?

Whether you want to brighten someone’s day or express your love for your feline friend, there are plenty of creative ways to incorporate these quotes on cats into everyday life. Share them on social media alongside cute photos of your cat, or personalize an item with your favorite quote from Personal House. 

At Personal House, we offer a wide variety of customizable cat-themed gifts, including personalized cat mugs, t-shirts, pillows, or doormat with cat photos and illustrations - ideal for you to express your cat love or as thoughtful personalized gifts for cat lovers. And for a truly thoughtful touch, add a handwritten cat quote to your next gift card.

Whatever, the simple things in life are the most important, especially in our hectic society. Our cat quotes with a little funny mixed with uniqueness will lift our spirits and put a grin on our face!

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Personal House
Emily Johnson

Emily Johnson is the senior editor at Personal House since 2022. Previously, she also had 5 years of experience for Southern Living and Life & Style. A distinguished alumni of University of Southern California, where she earned a Bachelor's degree in Design and minor in Business, Emily possesses a profound understanding of the intersection between aesthetics and sentiment. Emily's passion for transforming ordinary gifts into extraordinary expressions has solidified her standing in the industry. She is also an active member of the Gift Designers Association, showcasing her dedication to advancing the field of personalized gifts. You can contact her via email:

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